Thursday, November 19, 2015

Second Progress Report

IDT blog, start date November 19, 2015. We have submitted our proposal to IDT command for purposes of evaluation, the outcome of which is unknown to us. Presentation of the activity to the population of planet VA will commence on December 1, 2015. We will attempt to complete our mission by the deadline. We can only speculate on the results at this time. Our mission this week is to prepare the evaluation Web 2.0 tools for an influx of research data.


  1. Hi Deanne, Looks like things are well underway. I test my lesson on December 2, one day after you do. With your sense of humor the participants will be well entertained. That always makes professional development easier. Good luck with your project.

  2. Heather,
    Good luck with your project as well...should be a good adventure!

